Stop Using Resul Wrappers In Your Reactive Return TypesIn modern day Android projects, it’s typical to see a Repository or a UseCase or xyz abstract component exposing a business logic likeSep 22, 20231841Sep 22, 20231841
Published inFlat Pack TechGoodbye LiveData, Hello SharedFlowReplacing LiveData with SharedFlowFeb 16, 20215387Feb 16, 20215387
Power Up Your UseCases With States and Coroutines in AndroidI’ve been working with clean architecture approach and using UseCases as interactors for a while now, but most of the time I end up…Feb 28, 20192652Feb 28, 20192652
Is that the job you’re looking for ?Hey all ! A little introduction, I’m Mel, I’m working as an Android developer for more than 5 years. I’ve worked with both startups &…Nov 13, 2018951Nov 13, 2018951
Tidy up your GradleWell, dependencies, flavors, sourceSets, versions.. All fly around in our build gradle files, right ?Nov 30, 20171892Nov 30, 20171892
Develop Faster — Useful Shortcuts for Android StudioCouple years ago, one of my seniors told me that “You can grasp skills of someone by paying attention to their usage of shortcuts”. While…Nov 16, 2017226Nov 16, 2017226